I’m here because I am passionate about helping beginning to intermediate retail traders trading the Foreign Exchange markets to become consistently profitable.
I know what it is like to be overwhelmed by market news, advertised trading systems, and gazillions of unsolicited trade recommendations. What do you do? What do you trade? How do you know it’s going to work?
That is why I am here to help you to
- Acquire the right discipline to trade successfully
- Simplify the process of incorporating market news and price action
- Create a framework for trading that leads to consistent outcomes
- Present simple approaches to the FX markets that are consistently profitable
- Make money in a safe and consistent regular manner
- Overcome all the bad habits that come along with losing traders:
- Impulsive trading
- Fear of taking decisions
- Lack of a plan
- No patience
- Overtrading
As a result of achieving these goals your trading approach will become serene, consistent, and ultimately profitable. In the words of George Soros: “If investing is entertaining, if you’re having fun, you’re probably not making any money and good investing is boring.”
Or put another way, by Ed Seykota, one of the trading greats:
My trading journey has been like that of most other traders: starting out by following every market hype there is, following other’s opinions, trying out every trading approach, trying every market that you can trade. The outcome was just a string of losses, almost all due to three most common trading mistakes:
- Over-leverage and over-trading
- Lack of a plan an strategy
- Lack of patience
As my career took me into professional trading I was forced to start focusing. Focusing on one asset class. On one set of strategies. And taking my time to come up with appropriate strategies. The outcome? I have an oversight of the Foreign Exchange markets that allow me to be consistent and profitable. Do all these strategies make money all the time? No. Are they consistent? Yes.
What are the results like? For starters my hedge-fund since inception has posted following returns:

And now I want to help you get the same results. The first step is simple. Subscribe to my email list.
- And immediately get a download of the ONE Exercise that will boost your Trading immediately!
- Free Stuff. You’ll get access to an ongoing set of free MT4 indicators and
- Content Tailored to you. Over time, I’ll get to learn more about you and deliver content that actually matters
- No hype. Just real content that’s meant to make a difference
I update the content on this site regularly, so sign up for my email newsletter and get instant updates straight to your inbox.
After completing my PhD in String Theory at Cambridge University I went to the City to enter the field of systematic trading. I’ve worked on both the Buy Side (investment banks) and Hedge Funds, ultimately setting up my own fund, which trades the G10 currencies in an automated and systematic fashion.
Following is an interview with me from Nov 2014, which sums up my views on what to expect when you enter the field of trading: Shard Fund Interview