In Part 1 we used simple Python to Improve our Backtesting times. Starting out with DataFrames we took a simple RSI strategy over a period of 7000 days and reduced from 7.3 seconds (which is a complete joke; sorry Pandas!) down to 0.003 seconds by converting everything to lists. But if you recall the comparison […]
Calculating Bond Index Prices: Analyzing the Bond Bear Market
In the previous article we set out to cover a new asset class: Bond investments. We saw how by including bonds together with stocks we could improve on our portfolio performance. Is this mixture still good given that we are now shifting in the interest rate cycle to a Bond Bear Market? In this article we […]
Why Would You Want to Invest in Bonds?
Of all things on this planet?! Aren’t they boring? Not explosive enough? Isn’t this stuff what old people invest in? Also, aren’t they supposed to start to sell-off? And how do you get your hands on these over the counter instruments. In the first article of this series on Creating Profitable Trading Strategies we started […]
Trading Mean Reversion in Currencies
Mean Reversion trading works for equities; and currencies. We saw in the last article how combining two simple ideas for equities produced a stable system over the last 30 years. Can we repeat a similar analysis for currencies? Yes! However, be warned. Currency trading is a different magnitude of difficulty to equity trading. Currency traders […]
Equities Mean Reversion
Equities mean-reversion works right now. And as part of Building Consistently Profitable Trading Systems it forms a key component. In this article we’ll present the final version of the mean-reversion system to form part of the trading toolbox, and the final portfolio. It’s the Larry Connor’s RSI2 strategy. And it’s based on the two concepts […]
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