Of all things on this planet?! Aren’t they boring? Not explosive enough? Isn’t this stuff what old people invest in? Also, aren’t they supposed to start to sell-off? And how do you get your hands on these over the counter instruments. In the first article of this series on Creating Profitable Trading Strategies we started […]
Equities Mean Reversion
Equities mean-reversion works right now. And as part of Building Consistently Profitable Trading Systems it forms a key component. In this article we’ll present the final version of the mean-reversion system to form part of the trading toolbox, and the final portfolio. It’s the Larry Connor’s RSI2 strategy. And it’s based on the two concepts […]
Equities Mean Reversion and Market Regimes
In this second part of the Mean-Reversion in Equities series we’ll cover the reasons behind why mean reversion works in various market regimes. In the previous article we combined the idea of looking at two consecutive down-days combined with buying the S&P 500 while it was below its five day moving average. A question that […]
Equities and Their Mean Reversion Habits
At last! We’ve made it to the mean-reverting part of the series, starting with our focus on equities and their mean-reversion habits. So, here’s the deal. We’re going to keep it simple, just like in the previous three posts, and start from the ground up. Over the following series we’ll culminate in a simple, straightforward […]
Taking Control of Your Trading Numbers
Taking Control of Your Trading Numbers – that means actually being able to replicate the results that others produce. It’s the only way to be sure that you know what’s going on. Well, many people got back after last week’s article asking about the details of the calculations as well as about some of the […]